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Английский язык. Семинары ЯЮ (другие)

Основная цена: 75,00 руб

Семинары по предмету "Иностранный язык (для юристов), английский язык"

Оценка 5.


Задание №1

Вопрос 1. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A contract is an agreement between …

1. … two or more persons …

2. … some right …

3. … one party and a correlative obligation or liability is undertaken by the other …


Вопрос 2. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

Contracts are divisible into three classes, …

1. … Contracts of record

2. … i.e.: …

3. … Judgements


Вопрос 3. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The delivery may be actual …

1.  … or constructive …

2.  … or general …

3.  … on inactual …


Вопрос 4. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The right of an agent …

1.  … to remuneration …

2.  … to predetermination …

3.  … to revocation …


Вопрос 5. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

An offer, …

1.  … to be capable of acceptance …

2.  … must be definite in its terms …

3.  … leaving matters to be agreed in the future …


Вопрос 6. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

It frequently happens …

1.  … however …

2.  … what ever …

3.  … what so ever …


Вопрос 7. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

An offer may lapse — …

1.  … By failure to accept in the stipulated manner;

2.  … By the death of either party before acceptance;

3.  … By failure to accept within the time prescribed;


Вопрос 8. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

An offer may be revoked …

1.  … at any day before acceptance

2.  … at any moment before acceptance

3.  … at any time before acceptance


Вопрос 9. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A promise to keep an offer open for

1.  …a specified time …

2.  … is in the nature of …

3.  … a subsidiary promise …


Вопрос 10. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

An offer must also be distinguished

1.  … from a declaration of intention

2.  … for a declaration of intention

3.  … to a declaration of intention


Вопрос 11. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A further illustration …

1.  … of the principle that …

2.  … for the principle that …

3.  … off the principle that …


Вопрос 12. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

This is usually expressed …

1.  … at saying that…

2.  … with saying that…

3.  … by saying that…


Задание №2

Вопрос 1. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

To the layman …

1.  … (and indeed to the continental lawyer)

2.  … (when the law of Property Act 1925 came into operation)

3.  … (consisting of rights enforceable by one of the personal actions)


Вопрос 2. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

It is beyond the scope of a work …

1.  … of this nature

2.  … to consider

3.  … in detail


Вопрос 3. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The tenures held by freeman …

1.  … were known as "freehold" tenures

2.  … was known as "freehold" tenures

3.  … were knowed as "freehold" tenures


Вопрос 4. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

Before examining briefly the nature of estates in land …

1.  … it must be recalled that leasehold was not a feudal tenure

2.  … it would be recalled that leasehold was not a feudal tenure

3.  … it should be recalled that leasehold was not a feudal tenure


Вопрос 5. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

These are described as "interests" in land, …

1.  … another than estates

2.  … rather than estates

3.  … father than estates


Вопрос 6. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

Real property consists of land …

1.  … and anything attached to it

2.  … and anything attached it to

3.  … and anything attached thereto


Вопрос 7. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

In every case, all the circumstances must be considered …

1.  … in the determination of whether the fixture is one which may be removed

2.  … at the determination of whether the fixture is one which may be removed

3.  … on the determination of whether the fixture is one which may be removed


Вопрос 8. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A deed is a sealed instrument …

1.  … containing a contract of covenant

2.  … contained a contract or covenant

3.  … containing a contract or covenant


Вопрос 9. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The grantee is entitled to record …

1.  … of deeds of the county in …

2.  … which the land is situated …

3.  … his deed in the registry …


Вопрос 10. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The law regards …

1.  … in common …

2.  … a tenancy …

3.  … more favorably …


Вопрос 11. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The relationship …

1.  … and tenant

2.  … of landlord

3.  … is contractual


Вопрос 12. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A tenant at sufferance is a tenant …

1.  … whom wrongfully holds over after the expiration of his term

2.  … who wrongfully holds over after the expiration of his term

3.  … which wrongfully holds over after the expiration of his term


Задание №3

Вопрос 1. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The clerk was deemed in such …

1.  … a case to be the agent of the insured

2.  … the case to be the agent of the insured

3.  … case to be the agent of the insured


Вопрос 2. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

If the insurer successfully resists …

1.  … but is unable to recover his costs,

2.  … he cannot claim to be reimbursed,

3.  … a claim by the insured,


Вопрос 3. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A wife has …

1.  … in the life of her husband

2.  … an insurable interest

3.  … and husband in that of his wife


Вопрос 4. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A life policy may be assigned …

1.  … in the provisions of the Policies of Assurance Act

2.  … with the provisions of the Policies of Assurance Act

3.  … under the provisions of the Policies of Assurance Act


Вопрос 5. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A man can always insure …

1.  … these own property

2.  … his own property

3.  … this own property


Вопрос 6. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The risk in a contract of marine insurance is usually …

1.  … under by a person called an underwriter

2.  … taken by a person called an underwriter

3.  … undertaken by a person called an underwriter


Вопрос 7. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The law relating to marine insurance had been …

1.  … codified by the Marine Insurance Act

2.  … modified by the Marine Insurance Act

3.  … codify by the Marine Insurance Act


Вопрос 8. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

Where the insured has … no interest at the time of the loss

1.  … an interest at the time of the loss

2.  … not an interest at the time of the loss

3.  … no interest at the time of the loss


Вопрос 9. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

Where an insurance is effected …

1.  … for the inquired by an agent

2.  … for the insured by an agent

3.  … for the inquired with an agent


Вопрос 10. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A representation as to a matter of fact …

1.  … is true if it is substantially correct

2.  … is false if it is substantially correct

3.  … was true if it is substantially correct


Вопрос 11. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

An express warranty does not exclude an implied warranty, …

1.  … unless it is inconvenient therewith

2.  … unless it is inconsistent therefore

3.  … unless it is inconsistent therewith


Вопрос 12. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

This implied warranty can only be excluded by …

1.  … the very clearest words

2.  … the nearly clearest words

3.  … the many clearest words


Задание №4

Вопрос 1. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

Can S sue В …

1.  … at England?

2.  … in England?

3.  … with England?


Вопрос 2. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

By what law …

1.  … will S's rights be determined?

2.  … be will S's rights determined?

3.  … S's rights will be determined?


Вопрос 3. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

If S obtains judgment against В …

1.  … in Denmark, France or the United Slates …

2.  … in France, Denmark or the United Slates …

3.  … in United Slates, France or the Denmark …


Вопрос 4. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The conflict of laws is a vast subject …

1.  … embracing all fields of law

2.  … embracing fields of law

3.  … embracing not all fields of law


Вопрос 5. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

In order to reduce the problems created … by the prevalence of different theories in different States

1.  … but the prevalence of different theories in different States

2.  … byte the prevalence of different theories in different States

3.  … by the prevalence of different theories in different States


Вопрос 6. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

What limits are there to the freedom of the parties …

1.  … to own choose their law?

2.  … to their choose own law?

3.  … to choose their own law?


Вопрос 7. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The precise effect of a choice of law or incorporation clause …

1.  … however, may be difficult to determine

2.  … may, however, be difficult to determine

3.  … may be, however, difficult to determine


Вопрос 8. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The bank …

1.  … on whom the cheque is drawn

2.  … is the paying banker and the bank

3.  … who collects is the collecting banker


Вопрос 9. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The relationship of banker and customer …

1.  … is not a fiduciary one but a simple contractual relationship of debtor and creditor

2.  … was not a fiduciary one but a simple contractual relationship of debtor and creditor

3.  … are not a fiduciary one but a simple contractual relationship of debtor and creditor


Вопрос 10. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The essential difference between …

1.  … a bill and a note is that the former is an order to pay

2.  … a note or a bill is that the former is an order to pay

3.  … a note and a bill is that the former is an order to pay


Вопрос 11. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

An IOU in the ordinary form …

1.  … is a promissory note

2.  … is not a promissoring note

3.  … is not a promissory note


Вопрос 12. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

In the case of a note payable to order, …

1.  … subsequent endorsers are in the same position

2.  … the first indorser corresponds to the drawer of an accepted bill

3.  … the indorsers of a bill


Задание №5

Изучите семинар №5 и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

Вопрос 1. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The criticism reflects the high standards …

1.  … whom the Americans have set as their ideal

2.  … what the Americans have set as their ideal

3.  … which the Americans have set as their ideal


Вопрос 2. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The form of government is based on …

1.  … two main principles

2.  … three main principles

3.  … four main principles


Вопрос 3. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

Soon after the Union was established, …

1.  … dominate the political scene

2.  … political parties developed

3.  … and now two parties, Democrats and Republicans


Вопрос 4. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A constitutional …

1.  … amendment of 1967 made new arrangements for the succession

2.  … agreement of 1967 made new arrangements for the succession

3.  … abandonment of 1967 made new arrangements for the succession


Вопрос 5. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The Senate embodies the federal nature of the Constitution, …

1.  … with two senators from each state

2.  … with three senators from each state

3.  … with four senators from each state


Вопрос 6. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The first ten amendments were made …

1.  … almost twice

2.  … almost at once

3.  … almost all one


Вопрос 7. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

It also forbids any laws which …

1.  … petition the government for a redress of grievances

2.  … might in any way take away freedom of speech or of the press

3.  … right of the people to assemble peacefully


Вопрос 8. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The Supreme Court has invalidated …

1.  … many federal laws

2.  … much federal laws

3.  … a lot of federal laws


Вопрос 9. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

In making an appointment to the Court the President can choose …

1.  … any person with legal qualifications

2.  … every person with legal qualifications

3.  … almost every person with legal qualifications


Вопрос 10. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

That fact illustrates the importance of the Constitution and of the judges …

1.  … to who its interpretation is finally entrusted

2.  … to whom its interpretation is finally entrusted

3.  … to whose its interpretation is finally entrusted


Вопрос 11. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The Senate of the United States shall he composed of two senators from each State …

1.  … for four years

2.  … for five years

3.  … for six years


Вопрос 12. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The President shall be commander in chief …

1.  … of the army and heavy

2.  … of the army and mauve

3.  … of the army and navy


Задание №6

Вопрос 1. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

Conciliation is not …

1.  … further referred to

2.  … farther referred to

3.  … father referred to


Вопрос 2. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The fact that parties resort …

1.  … to litigation or arbitration does not necessarily …

2.  … mean that their relationship is at an end or even …

3.  … that they are hostile to each other …


Вопрос 3. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

This is the function of …

1.  … the pladings

2.  … the pledings

3.  … the pleadings


Вопрос 4. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

To ensure that the action is in …

1.  … a proper state for trial

2.  … a proper stake for trial

3.  … a proper staite for trial


Вопрос 5. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

Obviously the parties cannot prepare for trial …

1.  … or even negotiate effectively…

2.  … unless each knows the nature…

3.  … of the case he has to meet…


Вопрос 6. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

A great many commercial disputes are resolved, …

1.  … not by litigation, but by arbitration

2.  … not by arbitration, but by litigation

3.  … but by arbitration, not by litigation


Вопрос 7. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

That arbitration possesses …

1.  … certain advantages for the commercial man is undeniable

2.  … certain advantage for the commercial mans is undeniable

3.  … certain advantage for the commercial men is undeniable


Вопрос 8. Выберите продолжение следующего предложения:

The court fees in an action are nominal, …

1.  … whereas in an arbitration the parties are responsible for the arbitrator's remuneration and expenses

2.  … which may be particularly heavy if there are several arbitrators coming from different co

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